
Empty Night Skies is in one week!

Just thought I'd make an image heavy post about the show now that it's a week away. For starters, there's a new flyer from Mike Bukowski:
Work has been pouring in this past week and I'm so stoked about what people have made. It really seems like people put in a lot of effort and enjoyed the theme and there's a real variety of mediums and interpretations. Here's some sneak peeks at just a few of them:
L to R: Amy Duncan, Justin Miller, Alan Brown, Jeff Pfeil
L to R: David Cook, Dilek Baykara, Tamara Santibanez, Kirsten Teel

I'll have two pieces in it myself. One of them is small and is already finished and the other is a little larger and probably needs one more day of work. A little peek:
I also spent several hours yesterday folding origami bats for the ceiling with the help of my good buddy Nikki:
Come to the show! Tell your friends! Become a member of Bat Conservation International!

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