
Nothing Like an August Night

Just a quick update. I finished this guy last week. I made this little image so you can see it in each stage. (click if you're interest in seeing it bigger-blog reformats everything so small!).
I had to take a little weekend trip so I'm basically in a constant state of anxiety about getting everything done for my show. For some strange reason my paintings have been shrinking and shrinking because I've been getting into doing smaller and smaller detail so it's going to be a real challenge to fill the space. I think the first step would be buying some average size brushes and just trying to scale what I'm doing up to knock out a few medium size pieces. I can't really think where to get more time from at this point unless I stop sleeping? Whatever, there are worse things. Bleh.


JGD said...

It's obviously time to stop sleeping.

wandering genie said...

I can really see myself working in a state of extreme sleep deprived mania in the coming month and making some real "masterpieces" as a result.

Unknown said...

Very awesome and beautiful work Genie!!! I really like your color choices and your line work is ****ing-A! It must have taken forever.

P.S. Coffee always helps if you don't mind shaking hands :)

wandering genie said...

thank you! unfortunately shaking hands are a real problem with all these tiny lines so coffee is no good. sigh