
heart attack!

Pictures of the 2010 heart show that my ouija board piece was in are up, if you want to see some of the other work!



When the Rain Comes Down, Would You Choose to Walk or Stay?

hey hey,

First of all you may have noticed my fancy new blog header. I've been meaning to make something specifically for my blog for a long time but really didn't have time between other projects. So last week I just made time. It was really fun designing and making something just for myself and I think the actual painting itself came out really nicely. I realized when photographing my heart show piece that a lot things that get lost in scans (like all the tiny linework) come out a lot better in photos so here are a couple of the painting I used to make my header:

In other news, I got some pin sets made from some of my fun-a-day paintings, since they were already in a perfect round format. Just the four cryptids: nessie, the mothman, the yeti and the chupacabra. I learned a few things about what looks good in pin format, and found a great place to have small quantities made (http://smallworldbuttons.bigcartel.com/). This lady is super fast and the pins look really nice and she offers the 1.25" size I prefer! I will probably work on designing some art specifically for a button set next. In the mean time though, here are these guys, a 4 button set of 1.25" buttons, $5 a set (including shipping) if you're interested! Contact me through email and I can take shipping info and direct you towards my paypal.

In OLLLLLD news I finally got a full scan of that ST drawing I did last year and cleaned it up on photoshop. Inspired by the song "suicidal failure" and the many excellent hand drawn ST shirts on the cover of the self titled record which is probably one of my lifetime most listened to records:

I may sell prints of this if there's sufficient interest. I mostly made it to amuse myself with the hope that I would one day get around to screening it on the back of a white button up so I'm not sure how desirable it is to other people.

I have a bunch of cool projects to work on coming up and as always I'm struggling to work 40 hours a week and finish art projects and just maybe sort of have a life. It's been snowing (and now raining) like crazy which helps me explain away the fact that I spend pretty much my entire life indoors. I've been really into 80's and early 90's goth and deathrock lately, so I leave you with links to a bunch of that, assuming that like me you would like to wallow in the gloom of late winter! Two Witches, X-Mal Deutschland, 45 Grave, Skeletal Family, Bone Orchard, Ghost Dance, Sisters of Mercy and Christian Death!


Mystifying Oracle

Here's my piece for the aforementioned Heart Show. It's a heart shaped Ouija board with a heart shaped planchette that Josh Robeson cut and assembled for me (did I mention he can make anything?). All painted in the usual Pelikan Plaka and now a new Speedball liquid acrylic I picked up recently and really like. While the board isn't technically functional with the planchette, due to the constrictions of the show's theme, the planchette is pretty use-able on it's own (aside from the fact that you'd be putting your grubby fingers on a painting). I've been wanting to design a Ouija board for a while and took this opportunity to make a first attempt. I still want to make a full sized and functional one some day.

Here's the info for the Heart Show, there are a ton of really neat people participating!

Saturday Feb 13th: 3-9pm
Sunday Feb 14th: 12-4pm

1414 S Darien St.
Philly, PA 19147

Also this weekend is the Fun-a-Day show. Because of conflicts with the Heart show I (and my work) will most likely only be there Friday night, but come check it out if you like seeing paintings of tiny creeps.
February 12 and 13, 2010, 7-10 pm at Studio 34
4522 Baltimore Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19143
Reading Event February 13, 4-6 pm

You might also want to take a look at Mike's work for the show. It's ridiculous and awesome. Here's the card he made for his project:

PS- check out my giant tarantula ring in the planchette picture! a birthday present from Mike. Made by this etsy seller whose shop I obviously frequent (animal skull jewelry? YES)


Fun-A-Day Week 3! Finished!

The last week of fun-a-days is finished! Note godzilla and king kong are larger (heehee "to scale") also the toxic mutant glows in the dark! I took a few pictures of them framed to give a sense of the scale. These guys are tiny!